Frequently asked questions
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Good. I’ve got answers.
At this time, we are primarily telehealth. Specific therapists do have some limited office hours, so you would have to discuss options with your therapist during your consultation.
Online therapy is conducted via video session on our secure platform. You can sign on from wherever, so long as it is safe, private, and still within the state of Utah (for legal and licensure reasons). Once connected, then sessions continue as normal and is effective for all the evidence-based modalities we use.
We primarily offer telehealth sessions at this time, but some therapists offer some in-person sessions. If that is something you’re looking for, then we can discuss options during your consultation.
We offer self-pay and insurance options. If you don’t have insurance or cannot afford the self-pay rate that your therapist normally charges, a sliding scale may is available based on need. Please ask your therapist or email for information specific to your situation.
A first appointment is usually filled with an intake assessment. This is so your therapist can spend time to get to know you and get a snapshot of your life right now and what you most want to work on.
The length of therapy is variable for each person and concern. You get to decide when therapy is helpful and when you’re ready to take a break or take the tools you learned and move forward to a better phase of life. It is always recommended to discuss healthy termination of services with your provider.
A “Good Faith Estimate” is for clients who don’t have insurance or who aren’t using insurance. It is an estimate of the cost of services with your provider. It is the law that you are provided with an estimate of the cost, and that if you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute your bill. You can access your previous estimates in your client portal. If you have insurance, all of your co-pays and expected costs are set by your insurance provider, not by your therapist.